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Internship Updates!

The first week and a half of my internship with Voz de Libertad was a bit challenging and discouraging. Because of COVID, most of the prisons are not allowing volunteers or visitors to enter. The restorative justice that I am hoping to work with and learn from is permitting some visitors in general (except for the last two weeks due to a COVID outbreak).

This week there were 3 big highlights.

On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to join a zoom conference with Prison Fellowship International (Confraternidad Carcelaria International). There were leaders from all over Latin America that work in the prisons through restorative justice programs. It was such a blessing to get to learn from these people. One of the leaders shared a devotional to start the day and talked about the places that we see peace and justice at the heart of the gospel. It was such an encouraging message. I also got to hear about some of the unique challenges that these leaders face in their ministries. Something that caught my attention was that many of these leaders find that it’s hard to unite volunteers from different denominations. Others shared some of their hopes or strategies for bridging these doctrinal divides to center on Jesus and the Gospel. I also got to connect with a restorative justice expert in the states. This time blessed me so much!

Thursday was such a fun day too. I unexpectedly was able to attend a performance that some groups of prisoners performed at. Some danced and others performed with their bands. What moved me the most was what the Minister of Justice and Peace shared before the performance began. She talked about the building that we were in (now a children’s museum) and how there were lots of human rights abuses there in the 40s. Now the building is a space of arts and creativity - a place where these people who are imprisoned get to share their gifts with their families and some members of the community. This is such a beautiful picture of redemption and restoration. And is also such beautiful reminder of the humanity of each. After each group finished performing, they got to come sit in the seats in the audience with everybody else. They were trusted and treated with respect and dignity. Fully human. I was so amazed. I don’t know that much about the prison system in the US, but from the few things I do know, Costa Rica’s approach to doing time and reintegrating people back into the community shocked and amazed me. I also got to go to an artisan fair where products that some prisoners made were being sold. All the money that is made goes back to the prisoner which they can then send to their family. The whole day was so amazing. I was so moved to see this kind of picture of connection, love, humanity, and restoration.

Today! Today was so fun. Since 2019 when I spent a month in Nicaragua, I have always had a desire to go back and felt a heart pull to these people. This upcoming week, I will start working with an organization called SIFAIS that is planted in La Carpio, an area of San Jose that is predominantly made up of Nicaraguan migrants. What’s amazing is that they have a restorative justice program that I will hopefully get to learn from. I will also get to work with women more specifically which I am so excited about. I’m excited to jump into spending some time there during the weeks. God knew what I needed. Something also unique about the organization is that they have a Montessori school - when we walked into the classroom today and I saw all of the Montessori materials, I almost cried. I went to a Montessori school from pre-school - 5th grade, so it was so special to get to walk into an environment that was so much a part of the way I grew up. I felt so known and cared for by God today. I’m so so thankful.

Classroom on the top floor of SIFAIS.

Poster at SIFAIS.

A mural on one of the walls at SIFAIS.

Montessori materials :')

I feel like I’m starting to settle into life a bit more now and have exciting opportunities on the horizon! I’m thankful for community and people who have supported me, especially this last week. I feel like my sprits have been lifted so much knowing that I am so loved and supported by my communities in the States. THANK YOU! God is so kind to give us the gift of community.

Happy weekend!

En paz,


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Mar 03, 2022

So wonderful to hear all the good things God is doing! Praying for God to flow through you as you minister at SIFAIS and Nicaraguan migrants and learn more about restorative justice!

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